Visual studio reset intellisense
Visual studio reset intellisense

  • If you removed the Microsoft-Web-Helpers NuGet package in a previous steps, install with the following command in the Package Manager Console:.
  • If this section contains “”, update those elements from version “” to version “”
  • Update all elements that contain “” from version “” to version “”.
  • visual studio reset intellisense

  • Locate the appSettings section and update the webpages:version from “” to “”.
  • Check binding redirects for assemblies “”, “” and “” in configuration files, “oldVersion” and “newVersion” must comply with the changes made above.
  • visual studio reset intellisense

  • Do the same for all elements with the name attribute “” and “”.
  • For all elements with the name attribute “”, change the version number to new one (check version of assembly in solution explorer, it has to be equals to or higher than “”).
  • Update the Application and Views config Files:.
  • Without any parameters it will update every package.

    visual studio reset intellisense

    In the Package Manager Console you can run the following command: Update-Package.

  • Upgrade all the ASP.NET NuGet packages.
  • Microsoft-Web-Helpers ( do not confuse with !).
  • Remove any of the following ASP.NET NuGet packages that are installed:.
  • Make sure all the packages that your projects use are compatible with MVC 5 and Web API 2.
  • GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register) WebApiConfig.Register(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration) NET MVC version 5.īut it required some futher manipulations with configuration files. See our internal style definitions for some more examples.I fixed this problem by updating my project to ASP.

    visual studio reset intellisense

    Read the Tailwind CSS documentation on ordering stacked modifiers to learn more. When stacking these modifiers with other modifiers like hover, you most likely want the other modifier to come first: Here’s a complete list of available element modifiers: Modifier This makes it easy to do things like style links to match your brand, add a border radius to images, and tons more. Use element modifiers to customize the style of individual elements in your content directly in your HTML:

    Visual studio reset intellisense